
Stephen Kimber




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    Stephen Kimber created a new quote

    Her eyes are much, much more than cornflower blue. That doesn't do it for me. Imagine the best blue you know, maybe the blue of a perfect day in Spring when you're out and free or the blue of powder snow before industrialisation. Imagine the blue that clean ocean water gets over white sand in tropical seas. Her eyes are the blue of your i7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber cherished this quotecherish

    RESPECT is a permanent form of attention.7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber cherished this quotecherish

A  different approach 
with the same attitude doesn't make any difference at all.7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber cherished this quotecherish

    She didn't see it 
as walking away. 
She saw it as walking forward...7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber cherished this quotecherish

    There might be nothing new 
to learn but 
there are 
plenty of old things to reconsider... 7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber created a new quote

    And on a clean day like this one, where the wind wiped away all obscurity, she could see from those trees the Black Hills as a distant, half-seen, half-imagined line, like a whale’s back on the horizon.7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber created a new quote

    Welcome indeed to the big fight… between the chartists in the red corner [a skinny, grimy little fighter, wearing what looks like rags as boxing shorts, stands and waves to the crowded stalls, who cheer] and everybody else – the government and army and our newly found wealthy industrialists – in the blue corner. [Everybody else is a huge,7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber created a new quote

    For 30 years my master has crafted his nightingale floors. None finer; put just a little weight on them, heavier than a sigh but lighter than a footfall, and the bird will sing. And I am learning the art. No assassin in this time of assassins can master a Matsuo floor, they say. Joists and bearers, swings of wood and sound, they carry swe7 years ago

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    Stephen Kimber created a new quote

    In 2010, with a world population just under 7 billion, a person in the world’s richest country (Qatar – ah, the joys of oil wealth) had an average income of $US 93,818, while a citizen of the Democratic Republic of The Congo, the world’s .. poorest country, had an average income of $US 387. As such, a citizen in the Congo is 242.42 times 7 years ago

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