
Caroline Doherty de Novoa

An Irish writer living in Colombia. Home is where my husband Juan and I are together.

Caroline Doherty de Novoa was born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Over the years she has called Bogotá, Manchester, Madrid, Oxford and London ...




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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa cherished this quotecherish

    ... every minute or so his camera clicked, capturing the steel structures bathed in moonlight, 
in part 
by the 
passing traffic, and 
 From the novel, 
Dancing with Statues the two figures 
in a blur 
at their feet... 
9 years ago

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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa cherished this quotecherish

    Dancing with Statues 
 "Walk through life with your eyes open
Be conscious. 
Make your own decisions 
and believe in yourself. 
Live life passionately to the end." 9 years ago

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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa created a new quote

    Dancing with Statues 
 "Walk through life with your eyes open
Be conscious. 
Make your own decisions 
and believe in yourself. 
Live life passionately to the end." 9 years ago

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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa cherished this quotecherish

    Regret is as merciless and unrelenting as unrequited love, but it has one advantage; it teaches you to do things differently. 
 Dancing with Statues  A novel set in Ireland & Colombia. 9 years ago

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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa created a new quote

    ... every minute or so his camera clicked, capturing the steel structures bathed in moonlight, 
in part 
by the 
passing traffic, and 
 From the novel, 
Dancing with Statues the two figures 
in a blur 
at their feet... 
9 years ago

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    Caroline Doherty de Novoa created a new quote

    Regret is as merciless and unrelenting as unrequited love, but it has one advantage; it teaches you to do things differently. 
 Dancing with Statues  A novel set in Ireland & Colombia. 10 years ago

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Caroline Doherty de Novoa was born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Over the years she has called Bogotá, Manchester, Madrid, Oxford and London home.

She has worked as both a lawyer and a teacher. Her first novel, Dancing with Statues was published in early 2013. She is currently working on her second, and on a book of short stories with the Bogotá Writers.
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