
Monica Ramirez

"Man's mind, streched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension." - Oliver Wendell Holmes




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    Monica Ramirez cherished this quotecherish

be unsaid. Time 
only in 
direction. Tony Cleaver9 years ago

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    Monica Ramirez cherished this quotecherish

    Reading is ungrateful to the words that have been written, because some of them have just flowed onto the paper effortlessly while others others have taken time and premeditation and others have been lost in the process. They made it to the page only to disappear soon after, unworthy of staying to be read. You don't know one from the othe9 years ago

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    Monica Ramirez created a new quote

    Reading is ungrateful to the words that have been written, because some of them have just flowed onto the paper effortlessly while others others have taken time and premeditation and others have been lost in the process. They made it to the page only to disappear soon after, unworthy of staying to be read. You don't know one from the othe9 years ago

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    Monica Ramirez created a new quote

    It used to be a lot more romantic and dramatic when people poured their souls on paper, in handwriting. Ink is a better witness than pixels.

M9 years ago

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