
Sissy Gavrilaki


I fell in love with quotes a few years back, when I began designing typography prints and posters of my favorite quotes I found online.

"Expect problems and eat them for breakfast" by Alfred A. Montapert.




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    Sissy Gavrilaki created a new quote

    He was a writer after all...
He was just writing with music. 
8 months ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki cherished this quotecherish

    The need to share is the kryptonite  to my Misanthropy2 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki followed

    Anouk Raeijmaeckers3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki cherished this quotecherish

    don’t get stopped by those 
who don’t understand it3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki cherished this quotecherish

    you’re not unimportant, 
just not useful all the time. . .
3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki cherished this quotecherish

    you’ve succeed in life when you’ve succeed believing in yourself3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki followed

    Mö Rãd Pïcåssö 3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki cherished this quotecherish

    You come to my world&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>You play with my rules&nbsp;</div>3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki created a new quote

is the superpower 
of the wise. 3 years ago

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    Sissy Gavrilaki followed

    Renee Patten Jr3 years ago

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Show all 167 quotes

I fell in love with quotes a few years back, when I began designing typography prints and posters of my favorite quotes I found online.

But as I researched and researched for the words that would go on my work, I realized that apart from the inspirational quotes of prominent figures that were scattered across various social platforms, I kept stumbling upon a great number of amazing quotes that were attributed to "unknown" or "anonymous" sources.

Who were these people? What led them to say or write these phrases? And why couldn't their quotes by attributed to them? Why was their name left behind?

With the help of Yannis, Giannis and Stefanos, we created Quote and Quote, a social platform where everyday people can write and share their own eloquently designed phrases, and be credited for their work.

We aim to become the ideal platform for people who love words and possess and appreciate the skill of writing.

And we look forward to reading your quotes and helping you showcase your work!